A few months ago, I was in a very weird place in my life, my days blended together, my procrastination and laziness took over my life and I could not get out of it until I reached out to Bailey. Honestly she’s been the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. 

We began with scheduled appts, which that alone helped me gain my life back little by little. With our appts we really dug deep into finding a solution, or a reasoning behind why my life was the way it was. Once we worked on routine and setting me up with a plan at the gym, a plan for my daily routine and my meal regimen. I’ve gained my life back. 

Bailey is incredible, she’s patient and kind and encouraging, she talks through everything so you’re never left wondering or confused, if there’s anything I had to ask or didn’t understand, she explained everything. I didn’t feel anxious or pressured I feel extremely understood when I talk with her. 

I owe her everything. She’s been an incredible asset to my life and I need more people to see how incredible she really is. 

Highly highly highly recommend each part of her service. Mindset, Movement and Meals ! 

Thank you again Bailey for giving me back my life !

_ Marley T

For Bailey

I have never in my life made working out/eating healthy a staple or priority and I knew it was time to make a change but the thought of that was very overwhelming, intimidating and I had no idea where to start which is likely why I always pushed it off or never kept up with it the times I did try. 

From week one of starting Bailey Macnamaras mindset and movement program I have noticed a change in myself and a motivation that I didn’t know lived inside me and I don’t know that I would have been able to tap into without taking the leap and signing up.

Bailey created workouts and nutritional plans based on where I was at in the beginning and where I want to be, switching them up every 4 weeks to keep my body challenged. The workouts and nutrition can be a little overwhelming if it’s not something you are used to but the way Bailey breaks it down for you allows you to push passed fear. The workouts and nutrition are great to get you started but paired with Baileys weekly coaching calls get the mind involved which is truly the key to all the other things being sustainable, Bailey works with you to figure out what some underlaying issues could be mind wise so you are stronger to push through physically!

Bailey Macnamaras mind body and soul aspect is what I believe to be a game changer and though I have only been in the program for 2 months I can truly say it has changed my life for the better.

With the support of Bailey and her program I know it’s something I can and will keep up because it’s opened my eyes to believing in myself and given me the keys I need to build and maintain a mental and physical healthy lifestyle. If you  are someone like I was who feels stuck or has been longing for a change or jump start to achieving something you have put off, this program is for you.

Alexis W

Working with Bailey was the best decision I could have ever made. 

She has changed my life for the better, in so many ways! 

Before starting Baileys program I was self conscious about my weight, I didn't feel good in my own skin. 

I ate fast food AT LEAST 3 times a week and had anxiety about the direction my life was going.

 I felt stuck in a rut and didn't know how to get out of it. 

Ive tried work out programs before but I could never stick to them for some reason 

Bailey made me stay accountable, she taught me about my nutrition and opened my eyes to what a healthy diet actually is and by talking to her for our weekly appointments she really helped me figure out my goal in life and got to the root of why I was feeling the way I was about my current situation.

 We made a game plan on how to live the life I want instead of being stuck in a vicious cycle of trying to be better but failing.

Working with Bailey is different from any other program you can try because she doesn't only help reach your fitness goal, she changes the way you think.

She helps you change your lifestyle.  

I cannot recommend working with Bailey enough. 

10/10 nutrition plan 

10/10 fitness program 

10/10 mindset coaching 

The amount you will learn from Bailey is amazing.

- Alyssa H

My whole life I have never struggled with my weight. I have always been a person who was able to “catch“ myself when I saw my pants were fitting a little tight. This was not the case in the spring of 2022 after I gave birth to my daughter. 

I felt so lost with where to start my weight loss journey. I tried everything and because of that I was ready to give up, but that’s when I met Bailey. 

Not only is she a fitness and wellness coach, but she is a mom too and because of that she could understand the struggles I was having. Bailey helped me not only balance my meals but also guided me with setting small goals for myself to get back to the gym. 

It was not easy but she never let me feel alone when I was ready to quit and she always encouraged me. 

It’s not easy being a new mom trying to get back into the gym… but with the help of a coach that actually cares about you and your goals, anything is possible. 

Thank you Bailey for believing in me when I didn’t.

Vanessa P

I have been working with Bailey for the last six months and my experience with her has exceeded my expectations.

Not only did she help me to meet (and exceed) my goals, but she helped me to build life long habits.

I started working with her four months after having my second baby.

I needed help getting motivated and getting back on track and was having a hard time getting started. I met with Bailey, and she put together a plan for me. I was able to lose all of the weight that I had gained from my pregnancy plus an additional 10 pounds!!

I gained muscle and toned my whole body. She helped me focus on eating healthy foods and tracking my macros. We also focused on movement and hitting my daily step goal and water intake goal every single day.

She also helped me to create awareness around my sleep schedule and focus on getting enough sleep every night. Working with Bailey has been the best experience that I have ever had with a trainer and coach. She not only helped me to build positive habits, but she also helped me to have a positive mindset and to believe in myself.

Kathryn N